

在萨斯奎哈纳, 在过去两个学期的全日制学习中,所有大学奖学金获得者都获得了奖学金, 或者同等学时的兼职学习, 累积平均绩点为3分.75, consistent with 大学浩博体育app performance or have earned departmental recognition for their scholarly efforts.



Donald D. 霍斯利教学奖 is granted in recognition of the distinguished teaching of the recipient during the college year just ending.  该奖项旨在表彰1967年至2004年期间任职的最杰出的教职员工, 作为文理学院院长和查尔斯. 德根斯坦历史学教授.   他创办了苏大的第一个“教学小组”——一个很小的, 交叉学科的, multi-generational group of faculty meeting regularly to discuss pedagogy which later led to the creation of SU’s Center for Teaching and Learning.  他本身就是一位杰出而受人尊敬的老师, 也是浩博体育app教学奖的第一位获得者(1972年), Dr. 豪斯利还著有《浩博体育app1858-2000:一份美好的遗产》一书, 牛津大学最初142年的权威历史.

约翰·C. 杰出奖学金及创意活动奖 是纪念博士. 约翰·C. 他曾长期担任香港大学校董会成员及主席.  的 award recognizes a faculty member for outstanding scholarship and conscientious service to the University, 受奖人在下一学年提供一次公开演讲. 

劳伦斯的一. 莱蒙斯杰出学术顾问奖 纪念一位伟大的老师, 公立学校领导, 也是学生的忠实顾问, 为内布拉斯加州狭长地带的年轻人服务了50多年的人.  少数民族的教育历程, international and socio-economically challenged students were especially meaningful to him and among those he championed and cherished the most.


亚历山大W. 安娜O. Ambromovage 纪念奖学捐赠基金 成立于2008年,是为了纪念安娜·安布罗莫维奇,58届毕业生. It is awarded to students majoring in one of the biological sciences who have demonstrated academic promise. 

安德鲁·C. 朗,28届奖学金 是颁发给有学术前途的学生吗, 主修商科和/或来自Shamokin, 煤乡, Ranshaw, Paxinos和Shamokin镇/周边地区. 颁发奖项时,要求受奖人应当, 达到赚钱能力后, 向奖学金基金作出适当的捐款以示感谢. 

化学奖, 由家长会于1979年成立, 每年表彰一名化学专业的优秀学生.

Winifred Shaheen奖 is given to a student majoring in education who has achieved academic distinction while also exhibiting outstanding leadership and service.

威廉一个. 俄国人,小. 历史上奖学金 是根据学业成绩授予大三学生还是大四学生, 对历史研究和追求的贡献, 并承诺成为一名浩博体育app. 这项奖学金是为了纪念已故的博士而设立的. 小威廉·亚当·罗斯.他的朋友和以前的学生从1933年到1968年担任历史学教授.

斯坦-罗宾逊数学奖 是为了纪念H.M. 斯坦和博士. 乔治·米. Robison and is awarded annually to the student who has the highest average in the study of mathematics during the freshman and sophomore years.

南希的. 凯恩斯奖学基金 是在这位深受爱戴的法国教授的遗产馈赠下于1990年成立的. 该基金为浩博体育app法语专业的学生提供奖学金. 

伊丽莎白G. 艾斯特音乐奖 于1972年由伊丽莎白·G. 埃斯特,72届毕业生. 的 award is presented annually by the Music Department to an outstanding junior student whose performance and academic accomplishment gives promise of outstanding musical achievement. 

普莱斯基金会音乐奖学金; 每年颁发给进入大四的优秀音乐专业学生.

里斯的 物理学奖 由物理学Alumni杰夫·里斯家族于1987年创立, 86届毕业生, and is awarded annually to a junior who meets the required cumulative grade point and exhibits strong interest and ability in physics. 

罗杰斯物理学奖 was established in 1994 by a physics graduate to memorialize the many contributions made by Edward and Blanche Rogers, 42届的两个人, 到物理课程.  物理系每年都会选出一名优秀的物理系学生来获得这个奖项. 

Pi Sigma Alpha奖, 由家长会于1979年成立, 每年表彰一名政治科学专业的优秀学生.

特雷斯勒科学奖学金 is awarded to students majoring in science from lower Northumberland County and upper Dauphin County who demonstrate academic promise. 颁发奖项时,要求受奖人应当, 达到赚钱能力后, 向奖学金基金作出适当的捐款以示感谢.

特雷斯勒会计奖学金 is part of the Tressler Accounting Endowment Fund established in 1989 in a gift from the late Allen C. 特雷斯勒,29届毕业生.

Vi Rabey Messerli 是由她的丈夫乔纳森、家人和朋友于2003年捐赠的. 夫人. Messerli served 浩博体育app with distinction as its first lady from 1977 to 1984.

西格蒙德·韦斯奖 是为了纪念西格蒙德·韦斯于2005年成立的, 我是1903届的一员, 以纪念他作为杰出的商业和公民领袖所留下的遗产. It is awarded to a senior majoring in business who has excelled not only in the business curriculum but also in the liberal arts.

西德尼和卡罗尔·阿普菲尔鲍姆奖 was established in 2005 and commemorates the Apfelbaums’ commitment to Susquehanna and their loyal friendship with the Weis Family. It is awarded to a senior majoring in the liberal arts who has excelled not only in a liberal arts discipline but also in the creative or performing arts.

约瑟夫一世. 和艾伦·韦斯·戈尔茨坦奖 was established in 2004 in their honor by the Degenstein Foundation to recognize the Goldsteins’ generosity to 浩博体育app and their special interest in its 西格蒙德·韦斯商学院, 为纪念史密斯夫人而命名. 戈尔茨坦的祖父是1903年浩博体育app的毕业生. 的 prize is awarded annually to a student majoring in a program within the Sigmund Weis School who has demonstrated the potential for leadership in the business world and a commitment to ethical decision-making.

乔尔和特鲁迪·坎宁安奖 was established in 2005 and commemorates the Cunningham’s leadership as Susquehanna’s president and first lady in developing the 西格蒙德·韦斯商学院 into an outstanding undergraduate business program worthy of its namesake. It is awarded to a senior majoring in mathematics or science who has excelled not only in the discipline but also in the creative or performing arts. 

Sigfried Weis学术卓越奖 成立于2011年,以纪念. 戈尔茨坦的父母.  It is awarded annually to a junior or senior who in the opinion of the chief academic officer has performed at a sustained level of excellence in rigorous coursework, 研究, 自主学习.

珍妮特C. 维斯杰出文学奖 成立于2011年,以纪念. 戈尔茨坦的父母.  It is awarded annually to a junior or senior who in the opinion of the head of the writing program has produced the most promising work in poetry, 小说或创造性非小说.

迈克尔和克里斯蒂娜阿普菲尔鲍姆奖 was established in 2015 in their memory by the Goldstein family and honors the couple’s contributions and connections to the Central Susquehanna Valley and to the university. 的 prize is awarded to a junior or senior who has excelled academically and whose record of community service has been exemplary.  

西格蒙德·韦斯“新生奖” 为纪念西格蒙德·韦斯于2016年重建, 他是1903届的学生,也是1900年这个奖项的共同获得者.  的 prize revives a tradition of honoring a student who excels academically during the first year.  该奖项在大二开始时被认可. 

西格蒙德·韦斯“大二奖” 为纪念西格蒙德·韦斯于2016年重建, 我是1903届的一员, 并于1901年获得此奖项.  的 prize revives a tradition of honoring a student who excels academically during the sophomore year.  获奖者在大三开始时被认可.

莎拉·柯克兰奖 was established in 2016 to honor her extraordinary leadership in the roles of Susquehanna’s vice president for university relations and executive vice president for administration and planning from 1985-2014.  她还在2000年至2001年期间担任该大学的临时校长.  的 prize is awarded to a senior majoring in a liberal arts discipline whose record as a campus/community leader is regarded as exemplary.

杰伊和玛莎柠檬奖 was established in 2016 and commemorates the Lemons’ leadership as Susquehanna’s president and first lady in advancing the value of student engagement and achievement in the undergraduate learning experience.  的 prize is awarded annually to as many as three juniors whose academic accomplishments make them competitive candidates for national and international awards.



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